What Is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation is software that takes the complexities out of time-consuming repetitive marketing tasks. It also helps marketers bring their strategy to life without dominating their resources and headspace.


Streamline your strategy with automated email campaigns that reach customers when and how they prefer to engage. Personalize the experience beyond just putting their name in the subject line with dynamic content and send time optimization.

Generate Leads

Marketing automation focuses on generating leads from a variety of sources. When you host a booth at a networking event, for example, your team can use automated systems to collect email addresses and other contact information from attendees. Then, when you follow up with new prospects, you can send them a series of automated emails that introduce your brand and showcase how your products or services could improve their lives.

You can also use marketing automation tools to create lead-generating content that drives traffic to your website. For instance, you might offer a white paper or other resource that answers common questions about your product. These pieces of content can help prospective customers decide whether to buy.

The right lead generation strategy can also help you generate sales leads through referrals. Asking your existing customers for recommendations is a low-cost and easy way to expand your reach. And if you can automate the process, it may reduce the time it takes for a lead to become a customer.

The right technology can also enable you to create and nurture high-quality leads, which helps reduce the amount of work that your team has to do manually. You can also use automation to send personalized emails, which makes a big difference in driving conversions. In addition, marketing automation can alert your team to a lead’s stage in the buying cycle and provide them with relevant campaigns to guide them towards conversion.

Nurture Leads

Marketing automation can help nurture leads by delivering content that’s relevant to their stage in the buyer journey. It can also help them understand their problem and work out potential solutions by providing relevant information that reflects the value of your product or service. This content might take the form of an exclusive whitepaper or a series of blog posts that empathise with the lead’s problems and offer viable solutions.

B2B buyers are increasingly demanding that vendors deliver a personalized experience throughout the entire buyer’s journey. Marketing automation makes this a lot easier by providing a powerful, automated workflow that prioritizes and serves relevant content to each individual in your contact database, via multiple channels.

This workflow can be triggered by any number of events, such as an email update from a prospect or a change in job title (which a data enrichment platform might uncover). The system will then automatically prioritise the lead and place them into the appropriate nurture campaign.

This allows the sales team to focus on converting the pre-qualified SQLs, while the marketing department receives instant and impartial feedback of how effective their nurturing campaigns are. Without this, it can be very difficult to pinpoint the causes of bottlenecks in the sales pipeline, which can cause delays in generating new business opportunities for your company.

Convert Leads

For many businesses, converting leads into customers is a crucial goal. However, if the process is not executed properly, it can derail a business’s success. With marketing automation, you can streamline the process and ensure that your sales team has the right data to close the deal.

When your team has a solid marketing strategy and can keep up with the lead conversion process, they can focus on closing the deals and generating revenue for the business. Moreover, this will reduce the amount of time they need to spend on low-value tasks such as prospect research and extra follow-ups.

With automation software, you can prioritize the leads based on their likelihood to convert into paying customers. This way, your sales team can focus their efforts on converting the leads that are ready to buy and leave behind the ones that are not.

Using marketing automation is one of the best ways to increase your company’s ROI and increase lead conversion rates. As a result, you will experience a better bottom line as well. According to Nucleus Research, for every dollar spent on marketing automation, it yields an average of $5.44 in return, with a payback period of less than six months. It also helps you avoid missing out on significant opportunities to grow your business. In addition, it allows you to scale your marketing tactics and create a central database of all the information that has been captured on prospective customers.

Track Leads

If someone fills out a contact form on your website, marketing automation tools can automatically funnel them into a new email list and begin sending them content designed to convert them into a customer. Automated follow-ups can help them stay engaged and move through the buying cycle quickly.

Marketing automation can also help businesses keep track of where their leads are in the sales process. For example, if a lead downloads a white paper on a particular product, the software can identify that they are in the research phase and begin to send them other relevant content to further educate them on the topic. This helps nurture them to a point where they are ready to speak with a salesperson, speeding up the conversion process and improving overall company efficiency.

Having all of this information in one central database means marketers can analyze and improve dynamic marketing tactics based on real data. For example, if a particular email campaign doesn’t have the best open rates, it can be tweaked and re-launched for better results.

Using marketing automation allows businesses to grow their audience while keeping track of each individual and building relationships that create repeat customers. This not only saves time and money but also improves marketing ROI and creates a stronger foundation for long-term success.